Saturday, November 3, 2007

How to switch to a Macrobiotic diet

A person considering adopting the Macrobiotic diet system, should spend some time researching the philosophy as well as the specific foods and cooking techniques used.
How anyone can choose to transition into a full macrobiotic way of eating and being?
The best way to transition to a macrobiotic diet, is to first employ a wholefoods diet for several months before going into the more restrictive macrobiotic way of eating and being. A wholefoods diet requires erradicating all heavily processed and refined foods such as granulated sugar, refined flour, and most canned or pre-prepared foods. The next step is that one would begin erradicating all dairy products and red meat, while utilizing only whole grains. Finally, particularly during these transition periods, it is important to be very aware of what is going on in your body and your body's response to the foods you intake.
Also, it is recommended that one researches the diet and either consults a macrobiotic counselor or makes a gradual transition to the macrobiotic way of eating. A well-trained macrobiotic counselor will orient the person not only toward the correct foods and methods of eating, but will also guide the person to a more aware state of being.

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